Marine geological and geophysical practice in the "Polar Circle"
A two-week marine geological and geophysical practice for 1st year students of the Higher School of Innovative Business of Lomonosov Moscow State University has ended in the Polar Circle.
Senior lecturer E.N. Poludetkina told about the practice:
"The training was built through the study of a section of the water area with the solution of real scientific problems. The students went through the entire cycle of studying the area of the water area from field work through data analysis and interpretation to the aggregation of results and the preparation of a report. The whole practice was accompanied by a large number of lectures, complementing the practical part and helping to better understand the geological history and modern processes of the White Sea. Students have mastered a variety of geological and geophysical methods used in geological exploration at sea.
Although the practice lasted only two weeks, due to the intensity of work and the variety of tasks and teamwork, her contribution to education cannot be overestimated.
The unique location of the practice has to know not only the geological component, but also the entire ecosystem of the White Sea, as well as a careful attitude to the fragile nature of the Arctic."